Saturday, December 8, 2012

#7 Classroom management

Today in the day of my 23rd birthday I decided to keep working in all my projects and do my uni homework. Some people would say I should be doing nothing, but there are some things you cannot stop doing because it is a special day. 

{Christmas is almost here, enjoy the best of the seasons}

Here I want to write about the article ‘Rethinking Classroom Management’. I found it very useful because it connects with the reality of our schools. It is not an article about a school in Finland, England or the States.
As many articles we have been reading the main characteristic of a good classroom management would be to make the student the center of the learning, so they are the responsible of it. The teacher provides the conditions needed for learning to take place. As we always say the teacher as a guide and not the one who recites concepts.

Here I write some of the most important things I underline and rewrite in my notebook.

    • Behavioral issues should be addressed through teaching and learning considerations based on the idea of behavior for learning rather than behavior management.
    • Managing teaching and learning is not a task for an isolated teacher (shared responsibility)
    • Not only a good student’s behavior, but a successful teaching experience.
    • 3 interrelated ideas (organizational, curriculum and social)
    • Organizational: setting rules or dealing with discipline
    • Coherent decisions
    • Broader level (department, cycle, school)
    • Rights and duties: rules should be the result of a process of negotiation and the role of the teacher in the process should be clear. (INVESTING TIME)
    • Respectful ways to solve conflicts.
    • “The best tool for a good management is not the reaction to conducts but proaction” (proaction= creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it)
    • Differentiation to respond to groups and individuals.
    • Use the cooperative learning as a teaching strategy (individual accountability, equal opportunities, group goals)
    • Students must be taught how to participate in a group situation.
    • From instructors to facilitators

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